Episode 280 – Crowdfunded Renegades

On this episode, MAAS Toys launches a crowdfunding campaign for their new Tetrajets, Imaginarium Art has a teaser for their newest statue, and we have some new news about a new deluxe Titans Return Repugnus. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions!

Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube!

This episode was edited by Michael Ordway (@minervion).  Please check out his work in 3D modelling and animation and video and audio post-production at www.michaelordway.com!  Huge thanks to Michael for his hard work!

Patreon Contest Announcement! One lucky Patreon will win a $10 Gift Certificate from Toyhax (formerly Reprolabels) every month from September 2017 – August 2018!

We did it! Our new monthly show TransMissions: Declassified is unlocked for Patreons! In TransMissions: Declassified we’ll take a deeper dive into some aspects of the Transformers multiverse. We’ve reached 60 Patreon supporters, so now this is a new monthly Patreon exclusive perk for all levels. But there’s still work to do! If we reach 100 Patreon supporters, the new show will be available to everyone! We’ve already done Episode 1, and that is available now and free for everyone. Check it out and if you want to hear more, sign up for the Patreon!

Order our exclusive Skybound Transformers #1 comic with cover art by E.J. Su!

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Show Notes:

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  1. Recently saw this in a question here it is for you guys. Would you guys like to see a Build a Figure done with the deluxe class figures like what the Marvel figures? Imagine if they did doing a Autobot X or a Ratchet / Megatron fusion ?I personally would like to see this at least tested in some way.

  2. Also do you guys and I mostly put this to Yoshi because he is the G1er. But would you like to see some characters from the original Marvel comics made such as Circuit Breaker , Circuit Smasher , Neo-Knights , Nucleon Guardians , Meccannibals?

  3. Hey Guys, want to thank you for the shout out and for the talk of our crowdfunding campaign. it is greatly appreciated.

    Please allow to provide a little more information for you, so you are more informed. First, MAAS has always been quite approachable and we are quite active on Facebook and through our emails so if you ever had any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

    So for the campaign, well first of all, the mold created would be enough to manufacture not just the first figure but for all 6 so including all the additional parts and pieces needed including weapons, face sculpts and additional structural pieces all at one time. This means that when the Pointmen are actually on the table to be produced, additional molds don’t need to be created, they molds are already done and so the process is a little quicker than if we had do mold new pieces for each of the new figures. Now when it comes to things like mold costs, well this is where things can get complicated. Without revealing too much, the 80k that is our goal really covers mold costs, some admin costs, design costs and various other small costs and really does not even cover the cost of production. Manufacturing a figure is not at all cheap and something of this size and complexity can run into multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars which we have seen already through our experience doing the Mayhem Mekanics crowdfund campaign. So in this instance we are asking for assistance to get the molds done and created but we will be doing the production runs out of our own pocket.

    As for production, we are not doing all three figures at one time and I do believe it does explain that the figures will not be shipping at the same time so it will be the Renegade first and then the next 2 following and then Pointmen at a later time. If the CF is completed we will be doing all 6 figures eventually, if the Pointmen are unlocked or not, it is just that through the CF you will be able to get the Pointmen at a lower discounted price than the actual retail price.

    Everyone on our team is excited about this project and yes, it is indeed more ambitious than we first expected of this figure and that is why as a team we decided we needed to try the crowdfund to gauge interest in the figure and to help us to actually get it created.

    We are always willing to talk and to answer questions so please feel free to reach out if you are still unclear on any of it or if you have further questions you would like answered. Hope this helps.

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