TransMissions Episode 151 – Rachel?!?!

Rachel(animorphs)_16x9On this episode, Darryl talks about MPP-10, the oversized knock-off Masterpiece Optimus Prime in KO Korner. Jeremy reviews Sins of The Wreckers in Comics, and we share some TFNation and BotCon updates in Convention News. All this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions!

Check out our “Trips to the Store” video segment on YouTube!

This episode of TransMissions is sponsored by Prime Toys, where you can get collector grade toys without the collector grade prices! Throughout the month of January use the coupon code TRANSMISSIONSJANUARY at checkout for free shipping to Canada on orders over $200!

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Show Notes:

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  1. I have to admit guys that theToyworld Ramjet doesn’t look bad. Though I am liking the Takara version better. Mostly might be the size difference for me. I always felt the seekers and coneheads were about the same size.
    Though would you guys be surprised to see the Prime 1 Studio Prime’s arm as a City of Steel item? It makes me think of that scene so much.
    I also still play the Angry Birds Transformers and still enjoy it. Within the last month they had a event were you could win Shockwave. He is basiclly a Bludgeon and Galvatron put together. He is a pretty good character. Now they have a event where you can get items to add to Soundwave. Such as Ratbat and the main prize Rumble. You have to play events and earn tokens and save up a certain amount to get Rumble and such.
    I will admit I am looking forward to season 4 of Rescue Bots my kids and I both love the show. We are currently watching G1 and my eldest is loving it. So add one more fan to the army.

  2. To help Darryl on who Bantor is, Bantor is a Maximal from the Beast Wars Fuzors line which is a combination of a Mandrill and a Tiger. Great show as always gentleman!

  3. Great show once again boys! I know Episode 152 should be in the can and editing has begun but this came to me on my second listen of the show. With Yoshi scoring a sweet original Reflector and a KO to play with, why not for Episode 153, have Yoshi run a KO Korner talking about his Reflector? This is of course if Darryl can step aside.

    Just a suggestion and look forward to Epidosde 152 and beyond!

    Sent from iPhone

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