Yoshi’s List 78

Holy Crap! There are a lot of names on my list this week. For once in my life my wrist is hurting because I’ve been writing a fuck ton of names and not as a result of personal tension release. If you’re on this week’s list of names from episode 78 of TransMissions that means you love this podcast more than your own parents! So check out #TheOnlyListThatCounts to see if you made my list! If you didn’t, its kind of like being rejected by your prom date outside your hotel room.

Yoshis List 78 2There are so many damn names. You guys really are writing in like crazy to get on my list. Imagine all the life changing things you could do to better yourself or humanity. You, valued listener, have your priorities set correctly.

Yoshis list 78Thanks to the following people who all wrote to TransMissions. You have been inked on paper and all live rent free in my brain for the week. Thank you all for your kind words and support.

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One Comment

  1. Yes I made it again!!! The Only List that matters!! Though Big C’s Hug list is the one I want to get on next.

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