TransMissions Episode 76 – Google Hangout Q & A with Darryl and Yoshi

With Jeremy and Charles away at TFcon last weekend, Darryl and Yoshi held a special live Google Hangout Q & A session!  Darryl talks a little bit of toys and discusses some of the TFcon reveals, and Yoshi talks a little comics.  And they both answer a ton of listener questions!  Thanks to all who participated in the Hangout!   We’ve got all this and much, much more on this episode of TransMissions!

Check out the full video for the Google Hangout on YouTube!

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  1. This is like deja vu or something!

  2. Dual Mirrored Gridwork

    weell i dont know about deja vu or something ,but if it was not for a fixing a bathroom shower, and over time ,work, and well life in general i would have participated in this, if i knew how of course, as far as the questions..i can ask a few tons of questions all by myself. …wait, ill most likely have a few after today….

  3. I have to admit this episode was a blast. I can’t wait until they can do a Google Hangout like I suggested. Where Rob , DMG , Dogcades , and myself can join the Transmissions crew on a Hangout.
    I think that would be a blast. To have the crew with the big 4 of their fans hanging out and chatting. I can only imagine the kind of craziness that will happen.
    But I said before Darryl and Yoshi it was a blast hanging out with you guys.
    You guys should do something like that maybe once a month or something.

  4. Dual mirrored gridwork

    I concur, Dino max has the right idea, i feel no video is needed but its still a good idea none the less,we as fans can take turns on speaking one at a time, we can be civil and all were all in the same fandom (some of us more than one, sweet primus!!). let’s act like a Nike commercial and just do it!!! Just give me enough notice and I’ll do what I can to be there!

  5. Dual mirrored gridwork

    The “big four” huh Dino max?well big c said I’m “the super fan before there was such a thing” but if it comes down to it I’ll take slot two…for one reason or another…hmm…..wonder why?

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