Yoshi’s List For Episode 66

This week’s episode 66 of TransMissions, I have to give a special shout out to Sean Jaffray. Sean came up with the fantastic hashtag, #TheOnlyListThatCounts and I love it. Because it’s so friggen true. This week’s list includes comments from some great damn people! Thank you for taking the time to write in and let us know how awesome we are. I immortalize  you on paper and and stare at each of your names all week long at work where you all get to live rent free in my mind. Sorry it’s so dirty. DJ Ronin / @TheRealRonin / Sean Jaffray AndrewBowman36 Mathew Ignash RD Blade Dinobot Maximize Rudy Malibiran Continue reading

Yoshi’s List For Episode 64

Our listener feedback means the world to us. In thanks, I’ve created a list for Episode 64. If you wrote into us, I wrote your name down on my list. Check it out! We really love hearing from you. Keep it up. I want to get so many commentators on our podcast that I need to make two lists. Make this happen! This week’s list includes some great comments from the following classy as fuck people. Dinobot Maximize Thenoble117 Wizatron MRussell19 (@markrs19) Tom Proscia (@Tommypapers35) Fightforyourlife Andrew tri Klops Tacoma Prime Karubah (@karubah) Mathew Ignash (RetroRobotRadio) Dual Mirrored Gridwork (@DMG1001) Zach Joe Teanby Continue reading

Yoshi’s List For Episode 63

Here is some more evidence (from Episode 63) that I take our listener feedback very seriously. Not only do I actually write all your names down on a list and keep it at work with me. I take the time to make all your names look classy as fuck! You guys all take the time to write into us with your kind words and positive feed back. The least I can do is show you my appreciation by taking pen to paper and photographing the results for you here in Juneau, Alaska. This week’s list includes some great comments from classy fucking people that I would like to thank. Stephanie @SuddenlyComics Rob Peirson @robpeirson Anonymous Bassbot Ben Hubbert AKA Ben563 Dinobot Maximize Sean Jaffray Rudy Tri Klops Tom Proscia @TommyPapers35 Tom Lynch @Paranoid_Cats Kass Schell @KassSchell Continue reading

Yoshi’s List For Episode 62

It’s been a long time coming, but today you all get to see that I really do create a handwritten list of all the names of listeners who leave us feedback. All of you who have written in kind words, suggestions, or advice to the show means everything to us. TransMissions is a huge team effort that takes hours upon hours to record, edit, and produce each episode. Sometimes at the end of the week, when our brains are completely fried, it’s your words of thanks that keeps us going. That’s why we ask all our listeners to let us know what they think of our show. Its motivational mana that holds the whole thing together. This week I want to thank: RD_Blade dogcades Peirsonr AKA Rob Peirson Joe Teanby AKA Exodus Prime Matthew Ignash AKA Retro Robot Radio Christian Brock AKA Wu Long Toys If you want to know… Continue reading

One Year Anniversary Windblade Contest

UPDATE OCTOBER 6, 2014: The contest is now closed.  Thanks to everyone who entered!  The winner will be announced on a future show! The TransMissions podcast has been around for one full year!  Can you believe that?  Who would have thought that a random email from Jeremy one year ago would have started all of us all down this Transformium road of goodness? Looking back on the first year we’re all amazed that this project even worked.  It had everything going against us.  We didn’t know each other.  We didn’t know how to record a podcast.  We didn’t know what was acceptable or not.  We still don’t.  But in a lot of ways that’s also why TransMissions has been so successful.  Four guys who didn’t know each other get along so well because of our shared love for Transformers.  Four guys who had never recorded a podcast before were able… Continue reading